Quark for ONNX

Quark for ONNX#

Quantizing a floating-point model using Quark for ONNX involves several key steps:

  1. Load the Original Float Model

    Load your model in its original floating-point format.

  2. Set Quantization Configuration

    Specify the quantization settings, such as precision and calibration parameters.

  3. Define Data Reader

    Create a data reader to provide input data for model calibration.

  4. Use Quark API for In-Place Replacement

    Apply the Quark API to replace the model’s modules with quantized versions in-place.

Supported Features#

Quark for ONNX supports the following features:

Feature Name

Feature Value

Activation/Weight Type

Int8 / Uint8 / Int16 / Uint16 / Int32 / Uint32 / Float16 / Bfloat16

Quant Strategy

Static quant / Weight only / Dynamic quant

Quant Scheme

Per tensor / Per channel

Quant Format

QuantFormatQDQ / VitisQuantFormat.QDQ / QuantFormat.QOperator

Calibration Method

MinMax / Percentile / MinMSE / Entropy / NonOverflow


Symmetric / Asymmetric

Scale Type

Float32 / Float16

Pre-Quant Optimization

SmoothQuant (Single_GPU/CPU) / CLE / Bias Correction

Quant Algorithm

AdaQuant / AdaRound / GPTQ

Operating Systems

Linux(ROCm/CUDA) / Windows(CPU)

Basic Example#

Here is an introductory example of running a quantization.

from onnxruntime.quantization.calibrate import CalibrationDataReader
from quark.onnx.quantization.config import Config, get_default_config
from quark.onnx import ModelQuantizer

 # Define model paths
 # Path to the float model to be quantized
 float_model_path = "path/to/float_model.onnx"
 # Path where the quantized model will be saved
 quantized_model_path = "path/to/quantized_model.onnx"
 calib_data_folder = "path/to/calibration_data"
 model_input_name = 'model_input_name'

 # Define calibration data reader for static quantization
 class CalibDataReader(CalibrationDataReader):
     def __init__(self, calib_data_folder: str, model_input_name: str):
         self.input_name = model_input_name
         self.data = self._load_calibration_data(calib_data_folder)
         self.data_iter = None

     # Customize this function to preprocess calibration datasets as needed
     def _load_calibration_data(self, data_folder: str):
         # Example: Implement the actual data preprocessing here
         processed_data = []
         Define preprocessing steps for your dataset.
         For instance, read images and apply necessary transformations.
         return processed_data

     def get_next(self):
         if self.data_iter is None:
             self.data_iter = iter([{self.input_name: data} for data in self.data])
         return next(self.data_iter, None)

 # Instantiate the calibration data reader
 calib_data_reader = CalibDataReader(calib_data_folder, model_input_name)

 # Set up quantization with a specified configuration
 # For example, use "XINT8" for Ryzen AI INT8 quantization
 xint8_config = get_default_config("XINT8")
 quantization_config = Config(global_quant_config=xint8_config )
 quantizer = ModelQuantizer(quantization_config)

 # Quantize the ONNX model and save to specified path
 quantizer.quantize_model(float_model_path, quantized_model_path, calib_data_reader)

For more detailed information, see the section on Advanced Quark Features for ONNX for more details.