Automatic Search for Model Quantization

Automatic Search for Model Quantization#


The purpose of the Automatic Search design is to find better configurations for model quantization, aiming to achieve better accuracy while reducing the resource usage of the quantized model. The design is centered around an iterative loop that continuously refines the configuration by evaluating and adjusting various quantization parameters. This loop includes several key components:

  1. Auto Search Config: Defines the parameters for the search process.

  2. Quantization Config: Specifies the quantization settings.

  3. Search Space: Represents all possible configurations that can be explored.

  4. Search Algorithm: Determines how to sample configurations from the search space.

  5. Model Quantizer: Applies the sampled configuration to quantize the model.

  6. Evaluator: Assesses the performance of the quantized model.

  7. Stop Condition: Decides when to stop the search process based on the evaluation results.

The core idea is to explore different configurations to find the optimal settings for the quantized model, improving its accuracy while ensuring it meets specified performance constraints.

Overview diagram of the automatic search process


Search Space

The search space defines the possible configurations available for model quantization, based on the parameters set in the auto search config. Initially, all potential configurations are listed. These configurations are then filtered to remove invalid or repeated ones. Each configuration is assigned a priority that dictates the likelihood of it being sampled during the search process. The priority is determined based on factors such as the expected quantization time and resource consumption.

Search Algorithm

The search algorithm samples configurations from the search space based on the defined priorities and search history. Currently, two search algorithms are supported: - Grid Search: Exhaustively explores all configurations in a structured manner, ensuring a complete search of the space. - Random Search: Randomly samples configurations, providing more flexibility and potentially quicker results for large search spaces.

The search algorithm is designed to intelligently explore the configuration space to find high-performing settings for the quantization process.

Model Quantizer

After a configuration is sampled, the Model Quantizer is responsible for quantizing the model using the selected configuration. It takes three inputs: - The model to be quantized. - The quantization configuration, which defines the general approach (for example, precision, layer types). - The sampled configuration, which specifies specific tuning parameters (for example, quantization range, rounding methods).

The Model Quantizer utilizes existing APIs to perform the quantization process, producing a quantized model as output.

Evaluator After the model is quantized, the evaluator assesses its performance based on certain metrics. There are two possible evaluation scenarios: 1. Custom Evaluator: If you provide an evaluator, it is used to measure the performance of the quantized model. The evaluator is expected to include a test dataset, execution runtime details (such as ONNX model execution), and a metric for evaluation (for example, accuracy, inference speed). 2. Built-in Evaluator: If no custom evaluator is provided, the built-in evaluator is used. This evaluator relies on a test dataset (for example, a pre-defined datareader for quantization tasks) and calculates metrics like L1 or L2 norm to evaluate the model’s performance.

The evaluator returns the evaluation results, which are then used to guide the search process.

Stop Condition The stop condition evaluates the results provided by the evaluator and determines whether the search process should terminate. There are several criteria for stopping: - If the performance of the quantized model is within a predefined tolerance level (as specified in the configuration), the configuration is added to the list of candidate solutions. - If the number of candidates meets the desired threshold, the search loop terminates. - If the maximum number of iterations or time allocated for the search process is exceeded, the loop is also stopped.

The stop condition ensures that the search process concludes either when a satisfactory set of configurations is found or when the time/resources allocated for the search are exhausted.

Flow Diagram#

  1. Initialize auto search config and quantization config.

  2. Build the search space based on the configuration.

  3. Sample configurations using the search algorithm (grid or random search).

  4. Apply the model quantizer to the selected configuration.

  5. Evaluate the performance of the quantized model.

  6. Check the stop condition: - If the result is within tolerance, add to candidates. - If the candidate count exceeds the threshold, stop. - If iterations or time limit is exceeded, stop.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until the stop condition is met.


To use the automatic search process for model quantization, you need to define the following: - Auto Search Config: This includes parameters like the number of iterations, expected time per configuration, tolerance levels, and the stop condition. - Quantization Config: Defines the quantization method, such as bit width, layer-wise quantization, and rounding methods. - Evaluator: If using a custom evaluator, provide the test dataset and evaluation metric. Otherwise, the built-in evaluator will be used. - Float Onnx Model: This model is the target model to be quantized. - DataReader: Defines the calibration dataset for model quantization.

Example Configuration:

from quark.onnx.auto_search import AutoSearch
from quark.onnx.auto_search import AutoSearchConfig
from quark.onnx.quant_utils import PowerOfTwoMethod
from onnxruntime.quantization.calibrate import CalibrationMethod

auto_search_config = AutoSearchConfig
auto_search_config.search_space = {
"calibrate_method": [
        PowerOfTwoMethod.MinMSE, PowerOfTwoMethod.NonOverflow, CalibrationMethod.MinMax, CalibrationMethod.Entropy,
        CalibrationMethod.Percentile ],
    "activation_type": [QuantType.QInt8, QuantType.QInt16],
    "weight_type": [QuantType.QInt8, QuantType.QInt16],
    "include_cle": [True, False],
    "include_auto_mp": [False, True],
    "include_fast_ft": [False, True],
    "include_sq": [False, True],
    "extra_options": {
        "ActivationSymmetric": [True, False],
        "WeightSymmetric": [True, False],
        "CalibMovingAverage": [True, False],
        "CalibMovingAverageConstant": [0.01, 0.001],
        "Percentile": [99.99, 99.999],
        "SmoothAlpha": [0.5, 0.6],
        'FastFinetune': {
            'DataSize': [500, 1000],
            'NumIterations': [100, 1000],
            'OptimAlgorithm': ['adaround', 'adaquant'],
            'LearningRate': [0.01, 0.001, 0.0001],
auto_search_config.search_stop_condition = {
    "find_n_candidates": -1,
    "find_best_candidate": -1,
    "iteration_limit": 1000,
    "time_limit": 3600,  # in seconds
auto_search_config.search_evaluator = None

auto_search_instance = AutoSearch(quantization_config, auto_search_config, float_onnx_model_path, calibration_data_reader)
searched_candidates = auto_search_instance.search_model()


The Automatic Search for model quantization provides a systematic approach to explore different quantization configurations in search of the best-performing model. By leveraging intelligent search algorithms and efficient evaluation processes, this approach can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of model quantization, making it easier to deploy optimized models in real-world applications.


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