Save & Load Quantized Models#


Save the network architecture or configurations and parameters of the quantized model.

Support both eager and fx-graph model quantization.

For eager mode quantization, the model’s configurations are stored in json file, and parameters including weight, bias, scale, and zero_point are stored in safetensors file.

For fx_graph mode quantization, the model’s network architecture and parameters are stored in pth file.

Example of Saving in Eager Mode#

from quark.torch import save_params
save_params(model, model_type=model_type, export_dir="./save_dir")

Example of Saving in FX-graph Mode#

from quark.torch.export.api import save_params


Instantiate a quantized model from saved model files, which is generated using the above saving function.

Support both eager and fx-graph model quantization.

Only support weight-only and static quantization for now.

Example of Loading in Eager Mode#

from quark.torch import load_params
model = load_params(model, json_path=json_path, safetensors_path=safetensors_path)

Example of Loading in FX-graph Mode#

from quark.torch.quantization.api import load_params
model = load_params(pth_path=model_file_path, quant_mode=QuantizationMode.fx_graph_mode)