Module Contents#
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.CAT_OPS#
# the possible batchnorm ops that parse from nn.BatchNorm2d() # NOTE: from PyTorch official doc, the bn operation will be unified in the future and will not have so many version # /pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/aten/src/ATen/native/native_functions.yaml
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.BATCHNORM_OPS#
- batch_norm:
(input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, eps, cudnn_enabled) -> Tensor
- cudnn_batch_norm:
(input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, epsilon) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)
- native_batch_norm:
(input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, eps) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)
- _native_batch_norm_legit:
(input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, eps) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)
- miopen_batch_norm
(input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, epsilon) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)
- _native_batch_norm_legit_no_training
(input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, momentum, eps) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.is_conv1d_node(n: torch.fx.Node) bool #
Return whether the node refers to an aten conv1d op.
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.is_conv2d_node(n: torch.fx.Node) bool #
Return whether the node refers to an aten conv2d op.
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.is_conv3d_node(n: torch.fx.Node) bool #
Return whether the node refers to an aten conv3d op.
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.is_convtranspose2d_node(n: torch.fx.Node) bool #
Return whether the node refers to an aten conv_transpose2d op.
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.is_batchnorm2d_node(n: torch.fx.Node) bool #
Return whether the node refers to an aten batch_norm op.
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.is_dropout_node(n: torch.fx.Node) bool #
Return whether the node refers to an aten dropout op.
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.is_cat_node(n: torch.fx.Node) bool #
Return whether the node refers to an aten cat op.
- quark.torch.quantization.graph.torch_utils.allow_exported_model_train_eval(model: torch.fx.GraphModule) torch.fx.GraphModule #
Allow users to call model.train() and model.eval() on GraphModule, the effect of changing behavior between the two modes limited to special ops only,
which are currently dropout and batchnorm.
Note: This does not achieve the same effect as what model.train() and model.eval() does in eager models, but only provides an approximation.