
Module Contents#


quark.torch.quantization.debug.weight_stats_hook(module: quark.torch.quantization.tensor_quantize.FakeQuantizeBase, args: Tuple[Any, Ellipsis], output: torch.Tensor, module_name: str, log_dir: str, n_bins: int, stats: Dict[str, Any]) None#

Hook to collect statistics on the weight and bias quantization. This hook should only be attached to FakeQuantizeBase layers corresponding to weight and bias quantization.

This hook should be attached with https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.Module.html#torch.nn.Module.register_forward_hook.


module (FakeQuantizeBase): The torch.nn.Module this hook is being attached to. args (Tuple[Any, …]): The module inputs, as specified in torch.nn.Module.register_forward_hook documentation. output (torch.Tensor): The module output, as specified in torch.nn.Module.register_forward_hook documentation. module_name (str): The module name, set with functools.partial. This is useful to access the module name from within the hook. log_dir (str): The directory the weight statistics will be saved to, set with functools.partial. n_bins (int): The number of bins inthe histograms of values that are saved for visualization. stats (Dict[str, Any]): The dictionary used to store statistics on the weight and bias quantization. It can be set using an empty handle using functools.partial. Passing a dictionary is useful to access outside of the hook its content that was modified from within the hook.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.activation_stats_hook(module: quark.torch.quantization.tensor_quantize.FakeQuantizeBase, args: Tuple[Any, Ellipsis], output: torch.Tensor, module_name: str, stats: Dict[str, Any]) None#

Hook to collect statistics on the activation quantization. This hook should only be attached to FakeQuantizeBase layers corresponding to input/output quantization.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.distribution_plot(histogram: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], save_path: str | pathlib.Path, title: str) None#

Plots and saves a bar plot using the bins and distribution from histogram. This is useful to save a given layer distribution, error, etc.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.barplot(labels: Collection[str], values: Iterable[float], name: str, log_dir: str | pathlib.Path) None#

Plots and saves a bar plot summary of values, each value having a label. This is useful to plot a summary of e.g. quantization error over many layers.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.save_distribution_histogram(module_name: str, tensor_stats: Dict[str, Any], log_dir: str) None#

Saves bar plots of activations. Utility function to be used by multiprocessing.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.summarize_weight(stats: Dict[str, Any], log_dir: pathlib.Path) None#

Saves a histogram of the distribution of the weight tensor for each weight tracked. Saves as well a summary plot of the L1 quantization error over all the different weight tensors.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.summarize_activation(stats: Dict[str, Any], log_dir: pathlib.Path) None#

Saves a summary over all activations of the error between the quantized / non-quantized model.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.insert_stats_hooks(model: torch.nn.Module, stats: Dict[str, Any], log_dir: pathlib.Path) Iterator[None]#

Inserts the hooks to track statistics about quantization error.

quark.torch.quantization.debug.collect_quantization_statistics(model: torch.nn.Module, dataloader: torch.utils.data.DataLoader[torch.Tensor] | torch.utils.data.DataLoader[List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]] | torch.utils.data.DataLoader[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] | torch.utils.data.DataLoader[List[transformers.feature_extraction_utils.BatchFeature]] | None, stats: Dict[str, Any], log_dir: pathlib.Path) None#

Collects (through the hooks attached to the model) statistics on the operators inputs/outputs to compute quantization error metrics, as well as on the weights.

Moreover, this function writes to disk statistics, distribution and summary bar charts for the quantization of weights and activations.