Module Contents#
- quark.torch.export.utils.preprocess_import_info(model_state_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], is_kv_cache: bool, kv_layers_name: List[str] | None, custom_mode: str) tuple[Dict[str, Any], bool, List[str] | None] #
Load model weights, preprocess state_dict for some cases such as dbrx split, fp8 kv_cache, tied_parameter, etc.
- quark.torch.export.utils.split_params_for_DbrxExperts(model_state_dict: Dict[str, Any], dbrx_experts_groups: List[List[str]]) None #
The moe part of dbrx needs special treatment, when loading a model, we do some splitting of that model, so the tensor that is loaded in here, needs to be split as well