

Module Contents#


class quark.onnx.finetuning.train_torch.train_model_loss.TrainLoss#

Calculates the Reconstruction loss, and Rounding loss This class is referenced from the AdaRound algorithm proposed in the following paper: “Markus Nagel et al., Up or Down? Adaptive Rounding for Post-Training Quantization, arXiv:2004.10568, 2020.”

static calc_recon_loss(quant_output: torch.Tensor, float_output: torch.Tensor) Any#

Calculate Reconstruction Loss using Squared Frobenius Norm :param quant_output: Activation output from quantized wrapper module :param float_output: Activation output from original float module :return: Reconstruction loss

classmethod calc_round_loss(alpha: torch.Tensor, params: quark.onnx.finetuning.train_torch.train_model_param.TrainParameters, cur_iter: int) Any#

Calculate Rounding Loss (This is for AdaRound optimization to learn weight rounding) :param alpha: Parameter ‘alpha’ to be optimized :param params: Optimization parameters for AdaRound :param cur_iter: Current iteration :return: Rounding loss