Module Contents#
- class quark.onnx.finetuning.create_torch.quant_base_ops.Quantizer(scale: torch.Tensor, zero_point: torch.Tensor, min_q: torch.Tensor, max_q: torch.Tensor, ch_axis: int = 0, q_folded: bool = False)#
Standard Quantizer has three functions including quantize, dequantize and quantize_dequantize, which is corresponding to ONNX QuantizeLinear, DequantizeLinear and Q/DQ pair separately. By default in forward, it works in quantize_dequantize mode.
- round_impl(tensor: torch.Tensor) None #
Implement the round function, designed for adaround quantizer
- tensor_sync(tensor: torch.Tensor) None #
The Pre-processing of the parameter according to the input tensor
- class quark.onnx.finetuning.create_torch.quant_base_ops.AdaroundConstants#
Constants used for Adarounding
- class quark.onnx.finetuning.create_torch.quant_base_ops.AdaroundQuantizer(scale: torch.Tensor, zero_point: torch.Tensor, min_q: torch.Tensor, max_q: torch.Tensor, ch_axis: int = 0, q_folded: bool = False)#
AdaRound Quantizer has a alpha paramter for optimizing weight rounding
- round_impl(tensor: torch.Tensor) None #
Implement the rounding function for adaround :param weight: The tensor to be ada-rounded
- initialize_alpha(tensor: torch.Tensor) None #
Initializes alpha parameter, same shape as the tensor :param tensor: The tensor to be ada-rounded
- class quark.onnx.finetuning.create_torch.quant_base_ops.QuantizationModule(quant_info: Tuple[numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.float32], numpy.typing.NDArray[Any], numpy.typing.NDArray[Any], numpy.typing.NDArray[Any], int, bool] | Dict[str, Any] | None)#
A pytorch module that behaves as ONNX quantization nodes
- class quark.onnx.finetuning.create_torch.quant_base_ops.QuantizeWrapper(w_alpha: float = 1.0, b_beta: float = 1.0, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any])#
A wrapper for torch layer’s input/weight/bias quantization