
Module Contents#


class quark.onnx.graph_transformations.transforms.OpTypePattern(op_type: str = '', inputs: List[OpTypePattern] | None = None, config: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)#

Defines a tree sub-graph pattern of onnx nodes to match in a model.

OpTypePattern can be used to describe various common patterns in model graphs that we need to find.


Matches a Conv+BN+ReLU6 and DepthwiseConv+BN+ReLU6 pattern. pattern = OpTypePattern(‘ReLU’, {‘max_value’: 6.0}, [

OpTypePattern(‘BatchNormalization’, {}, [

OpTypePattern(‘Conv2D|DepthwiseConv2D’, {} [])



Matches multiple Conv2Ds feeding into a Concat. pattern = OpTypePattern(‘Concat’, {}, [

OpTypePattern(‘Conv2D’, {}, []), OpTypePattern(‘Conv2D’, {}, [])


class quark.onnx.graph_transformations.transforms.NodeTree(node: onnx.NodeProto | None = None, weights: OrderedDict[str, onnx.TensorProto] | List[Any] | None = None, input_nodes: List[NodeTree] | None = None, metadata: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)#

Represents a pattern matching results in a node containing a tree.

NodeTree is used to represent a tree of nodes in a model. It contains the NodeDef which describes the node, and other input nodes feeding into it.

It is used as a generic class to represent both sets of nodes which have been found in a model, and nodes which should be replaced inside the model.

class quark.onnx.graph_transformations.transforms.Transform#

Defines a transform to be applied to a onnx model graph.

A transform is a combination of ‘Find + Replace’ which describes how to find a pattern of nodes in a model, and what to replace those nodes with.

A pattern is described using OpTypePattern. The replacement function receives a NodeTree which contains the matched nodes and should return a NodeTree which contains the set of nodes which replaced the matched nodes.

property allow_multi_consumers: bool#

Whether to allow the internal node have multiple consuming nodes.



// //

A – to E –

C –> D F

Should set allow_mulit_consumers if you want to match pattern “A –> C –> D”. Please be careful to handle the transformation to not break the input connection of consumers outside the pattern, otherwise will lead to unknown input tensors.

abstractmethod pattern() OpTypePattern#

Return the OpTypePattern to find in the model graph.

abstractmethod replacement(match_node: NodeTree) Any#

Generate a replacement sub-graph for the matched sub-graph.

The fundamental constraint of the replacement is that the replacement sub-graph should consume the same input tensors as the original sub-graph and also produce a final list of tensors which are same in number and shape as the original sub-graph. Not following this could crash model creation, or introduce bugs in the new model graph.


match_nodes: Matched NodeTree based on self.pattern().