Quantizing Using CrossLayerEqualization (CLE)#
CrossLayerEqualization (CLE) can equalize the weights of consecutive convolution layers, making the model weights easier to perform per-tensor quantization. Experiments show that using the CLE technique can improve the PTQ accuracy of some models, especially for models with depthwise_conv layers, such as Mobilenet. Here is a sample showing how to enable CLE using quark.onnx.
from quark.onnx import ModelQuantizer, PowerOfTwoMethod, QuantType
from quark.onnx.quantization.config.config import Config, QuantizationConfig
quant_config = QuantizationConfig(
'ActivationSymmetric': True,
'ReplaceClip6Relu': True,
'CLESteps': 1,
'CLEScaleAppendBias': True,
config = Config(global_quant_config=quant_config)
quantizer = ModelQuantizer(config)
quantizer.quantize_model(input_model_path, output_model_path, calibration_data_reader=None)
include_cle: (Boolean) This parameter is a flag that determines whether to optimize the models using CrossLayerEqualization; it can improve the accuracy of some models. The default is False.
extra_options: (Dictionary or None) Contains key-value pairs for various options in different cases. Options related to CLE are:
ReplaceClip6Relu: (Boolean) If True, Replace Clip(0,6) with Relu in the model. The default value is False.
CLESteps: (Int) Specifies the steps for CrossLayerEqualization execution when include_cle is set to true. The default is 1. When set to -1, adaptive CrossLayerEqualization steps are conducted. The default value is 1.
CLEScaleAppendBias: (Boolean) Whether the bias is included when calculating the scale of the weights. The default value is True.
For information on accessing AMD Quark ONNX examples, refer to Accessing ONNX Examples.
This example and the relevant files are available at /onnx/accuracy_improvement/cle
This example demonstrates quantizing a resnet152 model using the AMD Quark ONNX quantizer.