Save & Load Quantized Models#


In this documentation, AMD Quark is sometimes referred to simply as “Quark” for ease of reference. When you encounter the term “Quark” without the “AMD” prefix, it specifically refers to the AMD Quark quantizer unless otherwise stated. Please do not confuse it with other products or technologies that share the name “Quark.”


Save the network architecture or configurations and parameters of the quantized model.

Support both eager and fx-graph model quantization.

For eager mode quantization, the model’s configurations are stored in json file, and parameters including weight, bias, scale, and zero_point are stored in safetensors file.

For fx_graph mode quantization, the model’s network architecture and parameters are stored in pth file.

Example of Saving in Eager Mode#

from quark.torch import save_params
save_params(model, model_type=model_type, export_dir="./save_dir")

Example of Saving in FX-graph Mode#

from quark.torch.export.api import save_params


Instantiate a quantized model from saved model files, which is generated using the above saving function.

Support both eager and fx-graph model quantization.

Only support weight-only and static quantization for now.

Example of Loading in Eager Mode#

from quark.torch import load_params
model = load_params(model, json_path=json_path, safetensors_path=safetensors_path)

Example of Loading in FX-graph Mode#

from quark.torch.quantization.api import load_params
model = load_params(pth_path=model_file_path, quant_mode=QuantizationMode.fx_graph_mode)