
Convert a Float32 Model to a BFloat16 Model#

Because of the increasing demands for BFloat16 deployment, a conversion tool is necessary to convert a Float32 model to a BFloat16 model. Four BFloat16 implementation formats are provided: vitisqdq, with_cast, simulate_bf16, and bf16.

  • vitisqdq: Implements BFloat16 conversion by inserting VitisQDQ of BFloat16.

  • with_cast: Implements BFloat16 conversion by inserting Cast operations to convert from Float32 to BFloat16.

  • simulate_bf16: Implements BFloat16 conversion by storing all BFloat16 weights in float format.

  • bf16: Implements BFloat16 conversion by directly converting the Float32 model to BFloat16, with only the input and output remaining as float.

The default value is with_cast.

Use the convert_fp32_to_bf16 tool to convert a Float32 model to a BFloat16 model:

python -m --input $FLOAT_32_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --output $BFLOAT_16_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --format $BFLOAT_FORMAT

Convert a Float16 Model to a BFloat16 Model#

Because of increasing demands for BFloat16 deployment, a conversion tool is necessary to convert a Float16 model to a BFloat16 model. Four BFloat16 implementation formats are provided: vitisqdq, with_cast, simulate_bf16, and bf16.

  • vitisqdq: Implements BFloat16 conversion by inserting VitisQDQ of BFloat16.

  • with_cast: Implements BFloat16 conversion by inserting Cast operations to convert from Float16 to BFloat16.

  • simulate_bf16: Implements BFloat16 conversion by storing all BFloat16 weights in float format.

  • bf16: Implements BFloat16 conversion by directly converting the Float16 model to BFloat16, with only the input and output remaining as Float16.

The default value is with_cast.

Use the convert_fp16_to_bf16 tool to convert a Float16 model to a BFloat16 model:

python -m --input $FLOAT_16_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --output $BFLOAT_16_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --format $BFLOAT_FORMAT

Convert a Float16 Model to a Float32 Model#

Because the AMD Quark ONNX tool only supports Float32 models quantization currently, converting a model from Float16 to Float32 is required when quantizing a Float16 model.

Use the convert_fp16_to_fp32 tool to convert a Float16 model to a Float32 model:

python -m pip install onnxsim
python -m --input $FLOAT_16_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --output $FLOAT_32_ONNX_MODEL_PATH


When using the convert_fp16_to_fp32 tool in Quark ONNX, onnxsim is required to simplify the ONNX model. Ensure that onnxsim is installed by running python -m pip install onnxsim

Convert a Float32 Model to a BFP16 Model#

Since there are more and more BFP16 deployment demands, we need a conversion tool to directly convert a Float32 model to a BFP16 model.

Use the convert_fp32_to_bfp16 tool to convert a Float32 model to a BFP16 model:

python -m --input $FLOAT_32_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --output $BFP_16_ONNX_MODEL_PATH

Convert a Float16 Model to a BFP16 Model#

Because there are more and more BFP16 deployment demands, we need a conversion tool to directly convert a Float16 model to a BFP16 model.

Use the convert_fp16_to_bfp16 tool to convert a Float16 model to a BFP16 model:

python -m --input $FLOAT_16_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --output $BFP_16_ONNX_MODEL_PATH

Convert a NCHW input Model to a NHWC Model#

Given that some models are designed with an input shape of NCHW instead of NHWC, it is recommended to convert an NCHW input model to NHWC before quantizing a Float32 model. The conversion steps execute even if the model is already NHWC. Therefore, ensure the input model is in NCHW format.

Use the convert_nchw_to_nhwc tool to convert an NCHW model to an NHWC model:

python -m --input $NCHW_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --output $NHWC_ONNX_MODEL_PATH

Quantize a ONNX Model Using Random Input#

For some ONNX models without an input for quantization, use random input for the ONNX model quantization process.

Use the random_quantize tool to quantize an ONNX model:

python -m --input_model $FLOAT_ONNX_MODEL_PATH --quant_model $QUANTIZED_ONNX_MODEL_PATH

Convert a A8W8 NPU Model to a A8W8 CPU Model#

Given that some models are quantized by A8W8 NPU, it is convenient and efficient to convert them to A8W8 CPU models.

Use the convert_a8w8_npu_to_a8w8_cpu tool to convert a A8W8 NPU model to a A8W8 CPU model:

python -m --input [INPUT_PATH] --output [OUTPUT_PATH]

Convert a U16U8 Quantized Model to a U8U8 Model#

Convert a U16U8 (activations are quantized by UINT16 and weights by UINT8) to a U8U8 model without calibration.

Use the convert_u16u8_to_u8u8 tool to do the conversion:

python -m --input [INPUT_PATH] --output [OUTPUT_PATH]

Evaluate Accuracy Between Two Image Folders#

We often need to compare the differences in output images before and after quantization. Currently, we support four metrics: cosine similarity, L2 loss, PSNR, and VMAF, as well as three formats: JPG, PNG, and NPY.

Use the evaluate tool:

python -m --folder1 [IMAGE_FOLDER_1_PATH] --folder2 [IMAGE_FOLDER_2_PATH]

Replace inf and -inf Values in ONNX Model Weights#

Replace inf or -inf values in ONNX model weights using the replace_inf_weights tool with a specified value.

Use the replace_inf_weights tool to do the conversion:

python -m --input_model [INPUT_MODEL_PATH] --output_model [OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH] --replace_inf_value [REPLACE_INF_VALUE]


The default replacement value is 10000.0. This might lead to precision degradation. Adjust the replacement value based on your model and application needs.