
Module Contents#


class quark.torch.quantization.config.type.QSchemeType(*args, **kwds)#

The quantization schemes applicable to tensors within a model.

  • per_tensor: Quantization is applied uniformly across the entire tensor.

  • per_channel: Quantization parameters differ across channels of the tensor.

  • per_group: Quantization parameters differ across defined groups of weight tensor elements.

class quark.torch.quantization.config.type.Dtype(*args, **kwds)#

The data types used for quantization of tensors.

  • int8: Signed 8-bit integer, range from -128 to 127.

  • uint8: Unsigned 8-bit integer, range from 0 to 255.

  • int4: Signed 4-bit integer, range from -8 to 7.

  • uint4: Unsigned 4-bit integer, range from 0 to 15.

  • bfloat16: Bfloat16 format.

  • float16: Standard 16-bit floating point format.

  • fp8_e4m3: FP8 format with 4 exponent bits and 3 bits of mantissa.

  • fp8_e5m2: FP8 format with 5 exponent bits and 2 bits of mantissa.

  • mx: MX format 8 bit shared scale value with fp8 element data types.

  • mx6, mx9: Block data representation with multi-level ultra-fine scaling factors.

class quark.torch.quantization.config.type.ScaleType(*args, **kwds)#

The types of scales used in quantization.

  • float: Scale values are floating-point numbers.

  • pof2: Scale values are powers of two.

class quark.torch.quantization.config.type.RoundType(*args, **kwds)#

The rounding methods used during quantization.

  • round: Rounds.

  • floor: Floors towards the nearest even number.

  • half_even: Rounds towards the nearest even number.

class quark.torch.quantization.config.type.DeviceType(*args, **kwds)#

The target devices for model deployment and optimization.

  • CPU: CPU.

  • IPU: IPU.

class quark.torch.quantization.config.type.QuantizationMode(*args, **kwds)#

Different quantization modes.

  • eager_mode: The eager mode based on PyTorch in-place operator replacement.

  • fx_graph_mode: The graph mode based on torch.fx.

class quark.torch.quantization.config.type.TQTThresholdInitMeth(*args, **kwds)#

The method of threshold initialization of TQT algorithm in QAT. See Table 2 in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.08066.pdf

  • _3SD: The method of threshold initialization with std and 3 as hyperparameters.

  • _LL_J: The method of threshold initialization in the Algorithm 1 of paper “Quantizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Power High-Throughput Inference Engines” - Sean Settle et al. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.07941.pdf