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Quark is a comprehensive cross-platform toolkit designed to simplify and enhance the quantization of deep learning models. Supporting both PyTorch and ONNX models, Quark empowers developers to optimize their models for deployment on a wide range of hardware backends, achieving significant performance gains without compromising accuracy.

Quark for PyTorch: Flexible and Efficient Quantization for PyTorch Models#

Quark for PyTorch provides developers with a flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use toolkit for quantizing deep learning models from PyTorch. The current quantization method is based on PyTorch in-place operator replacement. In particular, the tool provides the key features and verified models as below:

Key Features#

  • Comprehensive Quantization Support:
    • Eager Mode Post-Training Quantization (PTQ): Quantize pre-trained models without the need for retraining data.

    • FX Graph Mode PTQ and Quantization-Aware Training (QAT): Optimize models during training for superior accuracy on quantized hardware.

    • Optimized QAT Methods: Support Trained Quantization Thresholds For Accurate And Efficient Fixed-Point Inference Of Deep Neural Networks (TQT), Learned Step Size Quantization (LSQ) for better QAT result.

    • Flexible Quantization Strategies: Choose from symmetric/asymmetric, weight-only/static/dynamic quantization, and various quantization levels (per tensor/channel) to fine-tune performance and accuracy trade-offs.

    • Extensive Data Type Support: Quantize models using a wide range of data types, including float16, bfloat16, int4, uint4, int8, fp8 (e4m3fn and e5m2), Shared Microexponents with Multi-Level Scaling (MX6, MX9`), and Microscaling (MX) data types with int8, fp8_e4m3fn, fp8_e5m2, fp4, fp6_e3m2, and fp6_e2m3 elements.

    • Configurable Calibration Methods: Optimize quantization accuracy with MinMax, Percentile, and MSE calibration methods.

  • Advanced Capabilities:
    • Large Language Model Optimization: Specialized support for quantizing large language models with kv-cache quantization.

    • Cutting-Edge Algorithms: Leverage state-of-the-art algorithms like SmoothQuant, AWQ, and GPTQ for uint4 quantization on GPUs, achieving optimal performance for demanding tasks.

  • Seamless Integration and Deployment:
    • Export to multiple formats: Export quantized models to ONNX, JSON-safetensors, and GGUF formats for deployment on a wide range of platforms.

    • APL Integration: Seamlessly integrate with AMD Pytorch-light (APL) for optimized performance on AMD hardware, to provide INT-K, BFP16, and BRECQ support.

    • Experimental Brevitas Integration: Explore seamless integration with Brevitas for quantizing Stable Diffusion and ImageNet classification models.

  • Examples included: Benefit from practical examples for LLM models, SDXL models (Eager Mode), and CNN models (FX Graph Mode), accelerating your quantization journey.

  • Cross-Platform Support: Develop and deploy on both Linux (CPU and GPU) and Windows (CPU mode) operating systems.

Quark for ONNX: Streamlined Quantization for ONNX models#

Quark for ONNX leverages the power of the ONNX Runtime Quantization tool, providing a robust and flexible solution for quantizing ONNX models.

Key Features#

  • Comprehensive Quantization Support:
    • Post-Training Quantization (PTQ): Quantize pre-trained models without the need for retraining data.

    • Flexible Quantization Strategies: Choose from symmetric/asymmetric, weight-only/static/dynamic quantization, and various quantization levels (per tensor/channel) to fine-tune performance and accuracy trade-offs.

    • Extensive Data Type Support: Quantize models using a wide range of data types, including uint32, int32, float16, bfloat16, int16, uint16, int8, uint8 and bfp.

    • Configurable Calibration Methods: Optimize quantization accuracy with MinMax, Entropy, Percentile, NonOverflow and MinMSE calibration methods.

  • Advanced Capabilities:
    • Multiple Deployment Targets: Target a variety of hardware platforms, including NPU_CNN, NPU_Transformer, and CPU.

    • Cutting-Edge Algorithms: Leverage state-of-the-art algorithms like SmoothQuant, CLE, BiasCorrection, AdaQuant, and AdaRound, achieving optimal performance for demanding tasks.

    • Flexible Scale Types: Support quantization with float scale, int16 scale, and power-of-two scale options.

    • Automatic Mixed Precision: Achieve an optimal balance between accuracy and performance through automatic mixed precision.

For further details on the features and capabilities of Quark, please refer to the đź“–Documentation and đź’ˇExamples pages.



Commands to install binaries via pip wheels or zip files can be found on our 🛠️Installation Guide

From Source#

To install Quark from source for either Windows or Linux, follow the steps below:

Get Quark Source Code:

git clone --recursive https://gitenterprise.com/AMDNeuralOpt/Quark
cd Quark
# if you are updating an existing checkout
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive

Install Prerequisites:

If you are installing from source, you will need:

  • Python 3.9 or later

  • Install PyTorch >= 2.2.0

  • Install ONNX >= 1.12.0

  • Install ONNX Runtime >= 1.17.0, <1.19.0

  • Install ONNX Runtime Extensions >= 0.4.2

We highly recommend installing an Anaconda environment.

The requirements.txt file contains the necessary dependencies listed for Quark. To install these dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

By default, the requirements.txt file does not contain the PyTorch package because it depends on your Operating System and acceleration hardware (e.g. CPU, CUDA, ROCm, etc). Follow the steps from the PyTorch website to install the appropriate PyTorch package for your system.

Build and Install Quark:

Now that you have the prerequisites installed, you can build and install Quark by running:

pip install .

For more information, including installation verification steps, please refer to the 🛠️Installation Guide.

Releases and contributing#

Quark is in very active development with several releases a year. Please let us know if you encounter a bug by filing an issue (internal only).

Any contribution is much appreciated, and the following are some recommendations:

  • If you are planning to contribute bug-fixes, please do so without any further discussion.

  • If you plan to contribute new features, or extensions to the core, please open an issue and discuss the feature with us first.

To learn more about making a contribution to Quark, please see our Contributing (internal only) page. For more information about Quark releases, see Releases (internal only) page.


  • GitHub Issues: Bug reports, feature requests, install issues, RFCs, and any feedback, etc.

The Team#

Quark is an AMD project led by Spandan Tiwari and is maintained by several skillful engineers and researchers contributing to it. Refer to CODEOWNERS (internal only) to identify the team members responsible for each part of the project.


  • đź“–Documentation: Contains Getting Started, APIs, User Guide, and other detailed information.

  • đź’ˇExamples: Examples of Language Model and Image Classification are provided to demonstrate the usage of Quark.

  • đź“„FAQ: Check out our FAQ for more details.


Copyright (C) 2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT