Vision Model Quantization Using Quark FX Graph Mode#
This example demonstrates a vision model quantization workflow. You specify a nn.Module
and transform the model to torch.fx.GraphModule
format using the PyTorch API. During the quantization process, after annotation and insertion of quantizers, this modified fx.GraphModule
can be used to perform PTQ (Post-Training Quantization) and/or QAT (Quantization Aware Training). Demonstration code is provided to show how you can assign quant config
In this example, we present a vision model quantization workflow. The
user specified a nn.Module
and transformed the model to
format by using PyTorch API. During the
quantization process, after annotation and insertion quantizers, this
modified fx.GraphModule
can be used to perform PTQ (Post Training
Quantization), or/and QAT (Quantization Aware Training). We supply a
demonstration code and show how users assign quant config
, more
information can be found in User Guide.
Get example code and script#
After unzip
(referring to Installation Guide).
The example folder is in In folder /examples/torch/vision
, user can get the detailed explanation of
image classification and object detection quantization demonstration code.
.. note:
For information on accessing Quark PyTorch examples, refer to `Accessing PyTorch Examples <pytorch_examples>`_.
This example and the relevant files are available at ``/torch/vision``.
In Post-Training Quantization (PTQ), after inserting FakeQuantize
, the observer
is activated during calibration to record the tensor’s distribution. Values such as minimum and maximum are recorded to calculate quantization parameters, without performing fake quantization. This ensures all calculations are under FP32 precision. After calibration, you can activate the fake quantizer to perform quantization and evaluation.
Similar to Post-Training Quantization (PTQ), after preparing the model, both the observer
and fake_quant
are active during the training process. The observer
records the tensor’s distribution, including minimum and maximum values, to calculate quantization parameters. The tensor is then quantized by fake_quant
This method involves uniform symmetric quantizers using standard backpropagation and gradient descent. Unlike Quantization-Aware Training (QAT), Trained Quantization Thresholds (TQT) add a gradient for scale factors. Unlike Learned Step Size Quantization (LSQ), which directly trains scale factors and may encounter stability issues, TQT constrains scale factors to powers of two and uses a gradient formulation to train log-thresholds instead. Theoretically, TQT is superior to LSQ, and LSQ is superior to QAT. For efficient fixed-point implementations, TQT constrains the quantization scheme to use symmetric quantization, per-tensor scaling, and power-of-two scaling. Currently, TQT supports only signed data. More experimental results are forthcoming.
Quick Start#
Perform Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) to obtain the quantized model and export it to ONNX:
python3 --data_dir [Train and Test Data folder] \
--model_name [mobilenetv2 or resnet18] \
--pretrained [Pre-trained model file address] \
--model_export onnx \
--export_dir [directory to save exported model]
You can also choose to perform Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) to further enhance classification accuracy. Typically, some training parameters need to be adjusted for higher accuracy:
python3 --data_dir [Train and Test Data folder] \
--model_name [mobilenetv2 or resnet18] \
--pretrained [Pre-trained model file address] \
--model_export onnx \
--export_dir [directory to save exported model] \
--qat True
LSQ and TQT are optimized methods for QAT that can theoretically improve accuracy. The parameters --tqt True
and --lsq True
are available for you to try. Model export is not supported at this time.
Fine-Grained User Guide#
Step 1: Prepare the floating-point model, dataset, and loss function
from torchvision.models import resnet18
float_model = resnet18(pretrained=False)
calib_loader = prepare_calib_dataset(args.data_dir, device, calib_length=args.train_batch_size * 10)
train_loader, val_loader = prepare_data_loaders(args.data_dir)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device)
Step 2: Transform the ``torch.nn.Module`` to ``torch.fx.GraphModule``
from torch._export import capture_pre_autograd_graph
example_inputs = (torch.rand(args.train_batch_size, 3, 224, 224).to(device), )
graph_model = capture_pre_autograd_graph(float_model, example_inputs)
Step 3: Initialize the quantizer and quantization configuration
from quark.torch.quantization.config.config import QuantizationSpec, QuantizationConfig, Config
from quark.torch.quantization.config.type import Dtype, QSchemeType, ScaleType, RoundType, QuantizationMode
from import PerTensorMinMaxObserver
INT8_PER_TENSOR_SPEC = QuantizationSpec(dtype=Dtype.int8,
quant_config = QuantizationConfig(input_tensors=INT8_PER_TENSOR_SPEC,
quant_config = Config(global_quant_config=quant_config,
quantizer = ModelQuantizer(quant_config)
Step 4: Generate the quantized graph model by performing calibration
quantized_model = quantizer.quantize_model(graph_model, calib_loader)
Step 5 (Optional): Perform QAT for higher accuracy
train(quantized_model, train_loader, val_loader, criterion, device_ids)
Step 6: Validate model performance and export
acc1_quant = validate(val_loader, quantized_model, criterion, device)
freezed_model = quantizer.freeze(prepared_model)
acc1_freeze = validate(val_loader, freezed_model, criterion, device)
# Check whether acc1_quant == acc1_freeze
# ============== Export to ONNX ==================
from quark.torch import ModelExporter
from quark.torch.export.config.config import ExporterConfig, JsonExporterConfig
config = ExporterConfig(json_export_config=JsonExporterConfig())
exporter = ModelExporter(config=config, export_dir=args.export_dir)
example_inputs = (torch.rand(batch_size, 3, 224, 224).to(device),)
exporter.export_onnx_model(freezed_model, example_inputs[0])
# ========== Export using torch.export ============
example_inputs = (next(iter(val_loader))[0].to(device),)
model_file_path = os.path.join(args.export_dir, args.model_name + ".pth")
exported_model = torch.export.export(freezed_model, example_inputs), model_file_path)
Experiment Results#
1. Image Classification Task PTQ/QAT Results#
We conduct PTQ and QAT on both ResNet-18 and MobileNet-V2. In these models, all weights, biases, and activations are quantized. All types of tensors are quantized in INT8, per-tensor, symmetric (zero point is 0). The scale factor is in float format. The following table shows the validation accuracy on the ImageNet dataset produced by the above script.
Method |
ResNet-18 |
MobileNetV2 |
Float Model |
69.764 / 89.085 |
71.881 / 90.301 |
PTQ (INT8) |
69.084 / 88.648 |
65.291 / 86.254 |
QAT (INT8) |
69.469 / 88.872 |
68.562 / 88.484 |
2. Object Detection Task PTQ/QAT Results#
We conduct PTQ and QAT on YOLO-NAS. In this model quantization, we partially quantize the model by assigning the configuration.