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Quark is a deep learning model quantization toolkit for quantizing models from PyTorch, ONNX, and other frameworks. It provides easy-to-use APIs for quantization and more advanced features than native frameworks, supporting multiple HW backends.

Quark for PyTorch provides developers with a flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use toolkit for quantizing deep learning models from PyTorch. The current quantization method is based on PyTorch in-place operator replacement. In particular, the tool provides the key features and verified models as below:

  • Support Eager Mode post-training quantization (PTQ) based on PyTorch in-place operator replacement.

  • Support FX Graph Mode PTQ and Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) based on torch.fx.GraphModule.

  • Support symmetric/asymmetric quantization strategies (weight-only/dynamic/static quantization), for various quantization levels (per tensor/channel/group).

  • Support data types as float16/bfloat16/int4/uint4/int8/fp8 (e4m3fn) and Microscaling (MX) data types as int8, fp8(e4m3fn), fp4, fp6_e3m2, and fp6_e2m3

  • Support configuring calibration methods, including MinMax, Percentile, and MSE.

  • Support kv-cache quantization for large language models.

  • Support advanced quantization algorithms, including SmoothQuant, AWQ, and GPTQ, for uint4 quantization on GPU.

  • Support exporting quantized models to ONNX, JSON-safetensors, and GGUF format.

  • Support operation on Linux and Windows (CPU mode) operating systems.

  • Provide examples for LLM models and the SDXL model in Eager Mode. Provide CNN models in FX Graph Mode.

  • Provide the integrated example with APL(AMD Pytorch-light, internal project name), supporting the invocation of APL’s INT-K, BFP16, and BRECQ.

  • Provide the experimental Quark extension interface, enabling seamless integration of Brevitas for Stable Diffusion and Imagenet classification model quantization.

Quark for ONNX provides developers with a flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use toolkit for quantizing deep learning models from ONNX. The tool is based on Quantization Tool of ONNXRuntime and provides the key features as below:

  • Support symmetric/asymmetric post-training quantization (PTQ) strategies (weight-only/static PTQ), for various quantization levels (per tensor/channel) with multiple data types (uint32/int32/float16/bfloat16/int16/uint16/int8/uint8/bfp).

  • Support configuring different calibration methods, including MinMax, Entropy, Percentile, NonOverflow, and MinMSE.

  • Support multiple deployment targets, including NPU_CNN, NPU_Transformer, and CPU.

  • Support advanced quantization algorithms, including CLE, BiasCorrection, AdaQuant, AdaRound, and SmoothQuant.

  • Support various scale types, including float scale, int16 scale, and power-of-two scale.

  • Support automatic mixing precision to balance accuracy and performance.

  • Support operation on Linux and Windows operating systems.



  • 📖Documentation: Contains Getting Started, APIs, User Guide, and other detailed information.

  • 💡Examples: Examples of Language Model and Image Classification are provided to demonstrate the usage of Quark.

  • 📄FAQ: Check out our FAQ for more details.


Copyright (C) 2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT