Quark is a deep learning model quantization toolkit for quantizing models from PyTorch, ONNX, and other frameworks. It provides easy-to-use APIs for quantization and more advanced features than native frameworks, supporting multiple HW backends.
Quark for PyTorch provides developers with a flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use toolkit for quantizing deep learning models from PyTorch. The current quantization method is based on PyTorch in-place operator replacement. In particular, the tool provides the key features and verified models as below:
Support Eager Mode post-training quantization (PTQ) based on PyTorch in-place operator replacement.
Support FX Graph Mode PTQ and Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) based on torch.fx.GraphModule.
Support symmetric/asymmetric quantization strategies (weight-only/dynamic/static quantization), for various quantization levels (per tensor/channel/group).
Support data types as float16/bfloat16/int4/uint4/int8/fp8 (e4m3fn) and Microscaling (MX) data types as int8, fp8(e4m3fn), fp4, fp6_e3m2, and fp6_e2m3
Support configuring calibration methods, including MinMax, Percentile, and MSE.
Support kv-cache quantization for large language models.
Support advanced quantization algorithms, including SmoothQuant, AWQ, and GPTQ, for uint4 quantization on GPU.
Support exporting quantized models to ONNX, JSON-safetensors, and GGUF format.
Support operation on Linux and Windows (CPU mode) operating systems.
Provide examples for LLM models and the SDXL model in Eager Mode. Provide CNN models in FX Graph Mode.
Provide the integrated example with APL(AMD Pytorch-light, internal project name), supporting the invocation of APL’s INT-K, BFP16, and BRECQ.
Provide the experimental Quark extension interface, enabling seamless integration of Brevitas for Stable Diffusion and Imagenet classification model quantization.
Quark for ONNX provides developers with a flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use toolkit for quantizing deep learning models from ONNX. The tool is based on Quantization Tool of ONNXRuntime and provides the key features as below:
Support symmetric/asymmetric post-training quantization (PTQ) strategies (weight-only/static PTQ), for various quantization levels (per tensor/channel) with multiple data types (uint32/int32/float16/bfloat16/int16/uint16/int8/uint8/bfp).
Support configuring different calibration methods, including MinMax, Entropy, Percentile, NonOverflow, and MinMSE.
Support multiple deployment targets, including NPU_CNN, NPU_Transformer, and CPU.
Support advanced quantization algorithms, including CLE, BiasCorrection, AdaQuant, AdaRound, and SmoothQuant.
Support various scale types, including float scale, int16 scale, and power-of-two scale.
Support automatic mixing precision to balance accuracy and performance.
Support operation on Linux and Windows operating systems.
📖Documentation: Contains Getting Started, APIs, User Guide, and other detailed information.
💡Examples: Examples of Language Model and Image Classification are provided to demonstrate the usage of Quark.
📄FAQ: Check out our FAQ for more details.
Copyright (C) 2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT