Adding Calibration Datasets#

Quark utilizes Pytorch Dataloader for normalization during quantization calibration. The Pytorch Dataloader accepts instances of the Pytorch Dataset class as input. Pytorch datasets can be formatted as torch.Tensors, lists, or other types, provided they conform to specific rules (For the official guide on creating a Dataset, please refer to this link).

We provide an example of quantizing the large language models using typical datasets such as pileval and wikitext. You can find the example here. In the section titled Define calibration dataloader (users can search for this keyword in from the example path), we provide a detailed example of how to set up a dataloader and how to convert a Hugging Face dataset to a PyTorch dataloader.

For large language models, the input data for PyTorch models is often represented as either a torch.Tensor or a dictionary. Here we provide three types of input PyTorch Dataset formats for the dataloader as examples. Users can define their own PyTorch Dataset for Dataloader, which must be compatible with PyTorch model input.

Dataloader with Dataset as torch.Tensor#

If the Dataset format is torch.Tensor, the the method of generating Pytorch Dataloader is simple. For example:

input_tensor = torch.rand(128, 128)
calib_dataloader = DataLoader(input_tensor, batch_size=4, shuffle=False)

Dataloader with List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] or List[torch.Tensor]#

If the Dataset format is

input_list = [{'input_ids':torch.rand(128, 128)}, {'input_ids':torch.rand(128, 128)}]
calib_dataloader = DataLoader(input_list, batch_size=None, shuffle=False)

Dataloader with Dict[str, torch.Tensor]#

If the Dataset format is Dict, user should define the function of collate_fn, for example:

def my_collate_fn(blocks: List[Dict[str, List[List[str]]]]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
    data_batch = {}
    data_batch["input_ids"] = torch.Tensor([block["input_ids"] for block in blocks])
    if device:
        data_batch["input_ids"] = data_batch["input_ids"].to(device)
    return data_batch

input_dict = {'input_ids':torch.rand(128, 128)}
calib_dataloader = DataLoader(input_dict, batch_size=4, collate_fn=my_collate_fn)