Configuration Description#

Configuration of quantization in Quark for Pytorch is set by python dataclass because it is rigorous and can help users avoid typos. We provide a class Config in quark.torch.quantization.config.config for configuration, as demonstrated in the example above. In Config, users should set certain instances (all instances are optional except global_quant_config):

  • global_quant_config(QuantizationConfig): Global quantization configuration applied to the entire model unless overridden at the layer level.

  • layer_type_quant_config(QuantizationConfig): A dictionary mapping from layer types (e.g., ‘Conv2D’, ‘Dense’) to their quantization configurations. Default is an empty dictionary.

  • layer_quant_config(QuantizationConfig): A dictionary mapping from layer names to their quantization configurations, allowing for per-layer customization. Default is an empty dictionary.

  • exclude(QuantizationConfig): A list of layer names to be excluded from quantization, enabling selective quantization of the model. Default is an empty list.

  • algo_config(AlgoConfig): Optional configuration for the quantization algorithm, such as GPTQ and AWQ. After this process, the datatype/fake_datatype of weights will be changed with quantization scales.

  • pre_quant_opt_config(PreProcessConfig): Optional pre-processing optimization, such as Equalization and SmoothQuant. After this process, the value of weights will be changed, but the dtype/fake_dtype will be the same.

The Config should be like:

from quark.torch.quantization.config.config import Config
quant_config = Config(global_quant_config=..., layer_type_quant_config=..., layer_quant_config=...)

Setting QuantizationConfig#

QuantizationConfig is used to describe the global, layer-type-wise, or layer-wise quantization information for each nn.Module, such as nn.Linear, which include:

  • input_tensors(QuantizationSpec): Input tensors quantization specification. If None, following the hierarchical quantization setup. e.g. If the input_tensors in layer_type_quant_config is None, the configuration from global_quant_config will be used instead. Defaults to None. If None in global_quant_config, input_tensors are not quantized.

  • output_tensors(QuantizationSpec): Output tensors quantization specification. Defaults to None. If None, the same as above.

  • weight(QuantizationSpec): The weights tensors quantization specification. Defaults to None. If None, the same as above.

  • bias(QuantizationSpec): The bias tensors quantization specification. Defaults to None. If None, the same as above.

  • target_device(DeviceType): Configuration specifying the target device (e.g., CPU, GPU, IPU) for the quantized model.

The QuantizationConfig should be like:

from quark.torch.quantization.config.config import QuantizationConfig
QuantizationConfig(input_tensors=..., output_tensors=..., weight=..., ...)

Configuring Quantization Strategy (Setting QuantizationSpec)#

QuantizationSpec aims to describe the quantization specification for each tensor. Users can set these features: + dtype: The data type for quantization (e.g., int8, int4). + is_dynamic: Specifies whether dynamic or static quantization should be used. Default is None, which indicates no specification. + observer_cls: The class of observer to be used for determining quantization parameters like min/max values. Default is None. + qscheme: The quantization scheme to use, such as per_tensor, per_channel or per_group. Default is None. + ch_axis: The channel axis for per-channel quantization. Default is None. + group_size: The size of the group for per-group quantization. Default is None. + symmetric: Indicates if the quantization should be symmetric around zero. If True, quantization is symmetric. If None, it defers to a higher-level or global setting. Default is None. + round_method: The rounding method during quantization, such as half_even. If None, it defers to a higher-level or default method. Default is None. + scale_type: Defines the scale type to be used for quantization, like power of two or float. If None, it defers to a higher-level setting or uses a default method. Default is None.

The QuantizationSpec should be like:

from quark.torch.quantization.config.config import QuantizationSpec
from quark.torch.quantization.config.type import Dtype, ScaleType, RoundType, QSchemeType
# Per Tensor Config

# Per Channel Config, should set ch_axis

# Per Group Config, should set ch_axis and group_size

Configuring Calibration Method#

Quark for PyTorch supports these types of calibration methods:

  • MinMax Calibration method (per tensor/channel/group)

  • Percentile Calibration method (per tensor)

  • MSE Calibration method (per tensor)

Users can configuring the calibration method for each tensors in modules by using the instance observer_cls in the QuantizationSpec of quantization configuration:


Users can choose the observer_cls in:

  • PerTensorMinMaxObserver

  • PerChannelMinMaxObserver

  • PerTensorPercentileObserver

  • PerTensorMSEObserver